Brett Thomas | Jul 29, 2015

Bikeshare is coming to downtown Los Angeles in 2016 with nearly 1,100 bikes at 65 stations. And you’ll be able to check out a demonstration kiosk — complete with bikes — at the following dates and times:
- Wednesday, August 5, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Lunch Á La Park in Grand Park.
So come see how you can use a TAP card to check out a bike!
Some quick background: The Metro Board of Directors in June approved an $11-million contract to Bicycle Transit Systems (BTS) and their partners (B-Cycle, Ridescout, Tool Design Group and BikeHub) to run the countywide bikeshare program that Metro is overseeing.
The bikeshare program is set to begin in downtown L.A. with other communities around the county to follow. Metro is currently working on a fare structure and other details. Stay tuned!